English Club Anniversary

Hello guys!
Here is my report from Winter theater English club anniversary celebration.

The event took place last Saturday, November 25, in the 5-candle restaurant located at the backyard of the Winter Theater

The head of the Club Alexander

And his deputy Iren (in red)

The first meeting of the club took place 1 year ago.
It was my second visit to the club, so I didn’t know much about the club history.

Club members presented some summer activities

Two young Americans did USA quiz for us

We had lots of fun

The cake made specially for celebration

At the end of the meeting we sang some English songs

The club gathers every Saturday from 12 to 13-30 in the Winter Theater.
Membership is free, entrance ticket costs is 20 rubles only

A good price for 1.5 hours English practice with friends and native speakers, isn’t it?

Club vk page vk.com/ywtt_school
  • 29 ноября 2017, 11:55
  • Walker

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Разговорный английский клуб для свободно говорящих. Вся информация есть в топике, кто не смог осилить приходить не стоит )))
После собраний клуба планирую проводить английские прогулки по терренкуру, с носителями языка из Европы. Первая возможно состоится уже в следующую субботу.


  • 29 ноября 2017, 12:45
way to go, Walker!


  • 08 декабря 2017, 17:48

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