A dead body found in Sochi by a foreign visitor

This morning on my way to work at 08:30, I found a dead body. The man had been beaten the death, half his head was crushed (think of a deflated basketball/volleyball). He was on the sidewalk, not hidden from view. There was blood everywhere, his eyes were open, he was blueish-grey. It is was apparent he had been there for 4 or 5 hours. There were no police, people would simply walk around him like it was a normal occurance, some people stopped and took photos then carried on. I went back into my building to the «security» grandmother and showed them. She simply shrugged her shoulders and gave me a blinking empty stare. I waited for her to take her phone and call the police, but she didn't. I had to ask her to call the police and she looked at me and with a bit of a sigh simply said «horosho, horosho».

I have been thinking about this for the last couple of hours. Did people not care because he was not a «white» Russian man? He has a dark complexion and dark hair. His clothes suggested a migrant worker. Or is it common place to find a person beaten to death on the street that it no longer effects the society.

(BTW, I live in the city center of Sochi, Pervomaiskaya, the mayor of Sochi lives on the same street as I do 50 meters away)

Source — www.facebook.com/groups/ponomarenko/512137165510101/?notif_t=group_comment_reply
  • 11 апреля 2013, 12:16
  • hinds

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