Знакомимся с основами КАПОЭЙРЫ на английском языке

КАПОЭЙРА — бразильское национальное боевое искусство, сочетающее в себе элементы танца, акробатики, игры, и сопровождающееся национальной бразильской музыкой.

Преподаватели языкового центра G8 помогут тебе освоить древний и очень красивый вид борьбы и попрактиковаться в английском языке.
Участникам при себе иметь удобную одежду (футболка, штаны (не шорты), лёгкие кеды и хорошее настроение :)

Ждем Вас 23 ноября в 15 часов в ТРЦ «МореМолл» на 1 этаже возле центрального входа (вход со стороны реки).
Для подготовки к уроку, скачайте и выучите новые слова и выражения на английском языке здесь:

A movie in English, INTERSTELLAR

G8 Language Center welcomes you to watch an English movie with subtitles
Location: ‘Luxor’ cinema at ‘Moremall’ shopping mall
Date and time: November 11, 19:30 (2D movie)
Price: 100 roubles
For tickets reservation visit www.luxorfilm.ru/ or call +7 (862) 296 00 49

A movie in English, MAGIC IN THE MOONLIGHT

G8 Language Center welcomes you to watch an English movie with subtitles
Location: ‘Luxor’ cinema at ‘Moremall’ shopping mall
Date and time: September 30, 19:30 (2D movie)
Price: 100 roubles
Date and time: October 4, 19:30 (2D movie)
Price: 330-360 roubles
For tickets reservation visit www.luxorfilm.ru/ or call +7 (862) 296 00 49

A movie in English, LUCY by Luc Besson

G8 Language Center welcomes you to watch an English movie with subtitles
Title: LUCY
Location: ‘Luxor’ cinema at ‘Moremall’ shopping mall
Date and time: September 23, 19:30 (2D movie)
Price: 100 roubles
Date and time: September 27, 19:30 (2D movie)
Price: 330-360 roubles
For tickets reservation visit www.luxorfilm.ru/ or call +7 (862) 296 00 49

Introduction to Public Speaking

the course description is here: Link

If you are interested:
1. sign up
2. start watching WEEK 1 videos
3. let me know that you'd like to join our group at the G8 Language School where you'll be able to practice your Public Speaking skills with us

G8 Language School English Speaking Club Meeting

'Translation Issues 2012' Forum

English Speaking Club with Elegance (Yulia Kalinina)

Dec. 14, Friday, 19.00, Parkovaya St. 19, G8 Language School, tel. 239-44-49

Purpose: to practice our conversational English skills. This time we are having an interesting guest: a PrivetSochi blogger Elegance (Yulia Kalinina).
Topic of our conversation: What makes James Bond movies so popular?
Additional activities:
Russian – English interpreting of the RadioActive show with Anton Komolov;
phonetic exercises based on the Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” soundtrack.

Tea, coffee, sweets and pastry upon your request :)